Thursday, December 22, 2005

Fun questions and thoughts to ponder during holiday times:

1) Ultra-conservatives are extremely worried with taxes. In fact most would argue that the only way to jumpstart our economy and give more fiscal autonomy to individual families would be to cut taxes as much as possible. At the same time, a large percentage of these advocates are also part of the same leadership that pushes pro-life measures as a top agenda item. Now... with less tax money coming into state and federal coffers for social programming and government assistance/services, and essentially more babies coming into the world if abortions are reduced or legally eliminated...... who takes care of the abandoned babies; oftentimes with handicapped conditions or exposures to drug addictions, diseases, or prematurity? I'm sure it's only a matter of personal or family responsibility right? After all the family has suffered because of liberal concepts and cable television programming right?

2) Why is it that ultra-conservatives can still find it in their heart of hearts to cut taxes or eliminate programs that assist people that are sick, elderly, or poor...... at the same time that they push to increase defense spending measures, foreign aid to "coalition of the willing" nation-states, and infrastructure/social welfalre programming in Iraq and Afghanistan? Does anyone actually know when the timetable is set for the GOP agenda to address American social needs? Right..... stupid for me to ask...... you can't set a timetable to address social issues because then poverty, unemployment, underemployment, non-health care coverage situations, disease, malnourishment, missed educational opportunities, etc. will be able to win in the long run. Real American patriots know better than to set time tables right?

3) Since when did God change the "Faith, but not faith alone can get you to heaven" policy to "just get born again, yo" policy? I mean, I know that the ultra-conservatives changed the way the Bible was read (which passages were stressed repetively and which became background noise) but was God in on this too? Just checking... the way I figure, I should have expected this right? The golden rule would be called the platinum or diamond rule if we were supposed to take it seriously right?

4) Isn't saying "happy holidays" actually implying that you are wishing someone a happy holy-day? I always said that to people instead of saying Merry Christmas because I never wanted to guess a stranger's religious background, and would rather take the chance that it was a friendly greeting for all than to single someone out or make them feel uncomfortable. I mean I understand traditions and all... and that the Christmas tree was actually a German tradition or something..... but can we honestly put everything off on traditions that old white men have written over the past 2000 years? Of course, this is America right?

5) At the beginning of every phone call that is long distance, I think I might say a fake code word or mystery phrase just in case the FBI, NSA, or CIA is tapping my phonecall without my permission, a judge's knowledge, or Congress' permission. For example, "Hello, Chuck.... the ice cream that you served on Valentine's Day gave the Queen of England the runs." My friend, Chuck, would then know to respond by saying "Thank you, James. It is good to know that the fair queen isn't moving slowly these days." We could then resume business as usual, however we would be making the operatives earn their tax-payer donated salary.

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