Friday, November 28, 2008

Can you possibly imagine how awful it has been to live in Minnesota and Georgia since Election Day? While most of us have been able to get back to our normal lives, Minnesotans and Georgians have had to endure the continual election news stories, new political ads, and scheduled visits from political leaders. If you're having trouble picturing this type of treatment, think of what Ohioans typically endure the days and weeks before the national election... and just put it on "extend" and "replay" for these new scenarios.

Think about it... while we were able to enjoy our Thanksgiving Day meal comfortably with our families and friends, citizens of Minnesota and Georgia quite possibly could have been receiving targetted mail, phone bank calls, or canvassing visits. Canvassing? While the yams are slow-cooking? It doesn't seem American... but ironically it's all in the name of American electoral integrity. Georgia is forced to hold an additional election for the current Saxby Chambliss U.S. Senate seat because he was not able to secure a majority in the most recent election (Georgia law requires a majority rather than a plurality.) Minnesotans have been forced to slog through a recount between Norm Coleman (R-Incumbent) and jokester Al Franken (D-Newbie) because it was within a few hundred votes (2000 Florida part deux, right?)

So THANK GOODNESS I'm not currently residing in those states.
Because the tv set is reserved for football games, college basketball games, turkey day parades, and all-day movie marathons... keep your attack ads away from our sacred vision tube.

NOTE: Cavaliers face the Golden State Warriors tonight for a chance to go to 13-3 and build upon the best start in franchise history.

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